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What is estate planning?

Living Trust

The foundation of an estate plan: avoids expensive and long probate process. Allows you to specify who will receive property and take on the responsibility after your death.

Power of Attorney

Allows you to name the person who handles your finances and other affairs for you when you are no longer able.


Directs where property is to go and avoids conflict amongst family members.

Advance Medical Directives

Enables you to decide in advance about life support, organ donation, cremation or burial, and other health care matters. Also, allows you to name the person who makes medical decisions for you when you are no longer able.

Grant Deed

If you own a home(s), a deed is necessary to transfer the property into your trust.

Guardianship Nominations for Minor Children

Allows you to name the people you would like to care for your children should the unthinkable happen.


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